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Anchor 3

Enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that your homeschool program is accredited to meet or exceed the requirements of the Florida Statutes and the course requirements for public and private schools, colleges, and universities!   All services are provided by licensed professionals who have work as school district administrators with valuable insight!  Contact us to secure competitive rates!

Program Evaluation



Rationale: Detailed analysis of needs, processes, strategy, and outputs can confirm current actions and guide strategic change. 


Deliverable:  Participants are guided through a systematic evaluation of program components and provided with a metrics-based analysis and actionable feedback report. Leadership teams are then shepherded through a logic model drafting process.    

Arts in the Core: ELA, Maths, and Sciences


Rationale: A wave of

research has emerged citing

the importance of the arts in broadening academic and social learning experiences. 


Deliverable: Participants are supported in the practice of identifying works of art and

in planning for their use as velcro for making content stick.  


All workshops and shepherding visits are grounded in research,

highly interactive, and include concept development activities.

Printed materials for up to 30 participants are included.       

Projects are priced individually and built to suit.      



Making Memorable Anchor Charts


Rationale: Choosing between emotional well-being & academic achievement is no longer an option.


Deliverable: Participants create anchor charts using principles of learning to decide on the structure, color, and content. 

Making Math
Make Sense

Rationale: Math makes sense when situated in the Standards for Mathematical Practice.


Deliverable: Participants are guided in generating their own template for planning to use the SMPs in impactful instruction. 

Sparks Literacy

Rationale: Maximize instructional time while attending to three critical content areas- Reading, Writing, and Science.


Deliverable: Participants practice using existing texts to plan for whole group and Literacy Center activities. 

Making Memorable Anchor Charts


Rationale: Strong visual cues codify learning experiences for retrieval and application.


Deliverable: Participants create anchor charts using principles of learning to decide on the structure, color, and content. 

The Value of your

Academic Notebook


Rationale: Recording and reflecting upon new information is a  high probability of impact strategy that relies on teacher prowess to take effect. 


Deliverable: Participants will engage in acquiring best practices for this strategy as well as in designing content models to guide students in making and reflecting on academic notes. 

Distance Learning: More than Video Conferencing


Rationale: Sustain excellent teaching, meaningful learning, and metrics-driven accountability from a distance. 


Deliverable: Participants will be guided through designing a school or district plan for distance learning customized to meet your organization's needs and initiatives.   â€‹



Rationale: This proven approach guides the discovery of your organization's positive core and capitalizes on it to plan for data-informed improvement. (Cooperrider & Whitney, 2015)


Deliverable: Participants will engage in AI's 4-D Cycle and generate actionable strategies with a plan for monitoring and adjustment.  

Anchor 2
Anchor 1

Pricing Guide

Giving a Presentation

Full Day

Six hours of collaborative professional learning including engaging activities and planning time designed to increase application and integration of concepts.

Participants leave with a useable product aligned with your organization's current initiatives. 



Team Meeting

Half Day


Three hours of collaborative professional learning including engaging activities and planning time designed to increase application and integration of concepts.

Participants leave with a useable product aligned with your organization's current initiatives. 




Shepherding Visits

Annual program management, contracted to povide:

  • logic model drafting

  • program mapping

  • program evaluation

  • observations

  • team planning

  • data analysis and application

  or a mini workshop.  



Kids Gardening

Homeschool Accreditation

  • Accreditation of Homeschool Program (including evaluation & accreditation of selected curriculum, management of student portfolio, & management of district notifications) 

  • Quarterly Review of Student Portfolio

  • Quarterly Program Goal Review (of homeschool program)

  • Annual Preview of the Coming School Year




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